All registered San Juan County voters will receive a ballot for the 2024 General Election. Use this list of key election dates and registration information to plan your voting.
The November 5 General includes races for President of the United States, Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senator, State Representative, additional Washington State government offices, United States Senator, United States Representative, and other local offices. Ballot measures for the San Juan County Land Bank, San Juan County Fire Protection District 3, and Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District are also before voters.
It’s not too late to take part. One can register to vote online or by mail up until October 28. After that, you can register in person at the County Election Office up until 8 p.m. on Election Day.
34 years ago the Land Bank presented a creative solution to the problems facing San Juan County at that time. Land development and the passing of a generation of legacy landowners meant ownership turnover for a large percentage of the County's land base. Few options or outside resources existed for landowners or neighbors looking to preserve land.
Since its beginning, the Land Bank has purchased 5000 acres and controls an additional 2300 acres through easements. That is a remarkable conservation legacy for San Juan County. The Land Bank has fulfilled its mandate.
It appears that Kari McVeigh’s “camp” is panicking, and embracing dirty tricks to suppress, deflect, dismiss, or attempt to discredit a verifiable legal decision concerning not only her record as the Superintendent of the Beverly Hills School District more than a decade ago, but also her personal conduct in a very disturbing incident at Roche Harbor a few weeks back. When all else failed yesterday, someone operating clearly on her behalf simply resorted to erasing (deleting) commentaries they didn’t like from Facebook. That, in essence, is conduct unbecoming a candidate for public office if, in fact, it traces back to the candidate herself.
Several of those purposefully erased commentaries were mine, and to say the least, I am not appreciative of such Trumpian actions to suppress. Therefore, I intend to re-write my commentaries as closely as I can recall them and post (and re-post, if necessary) until they stand unmolested and can be read for the responsible and verifiable points that were inherent the first time around.
Posted on What’s Up with Free Speech was a question “What do you think is the biggest gripe people have with the Land Bank?” What a great question... I hardly know where to begin, but the following story might be a good place to start. Jack Cory wrote “the land bank does make misleading statements, and leaves out facts that are not always supportive of their stated intentions”. Here is a good example;
On September 17th David Johnson posted a letter to the Orcasonian newspaper titled We are entitled to hear the whole story about McViegh. I support David Johnson’s perspective that examining candidates history is important when choosing who we vote for. I support Stephanie O’Day for County Council position one. Stephanie is an attorney versed in land use regulations. She has knowledge that can only come from being a long time resident involved with our local land use regulations. I believe that’s more important for a council member than budgeting credentials relative to some place far from the San Juan Islands.
Before voting, everyone should be aware of some facts and a pattern of behavior inherent in Kari McVeigh, as evidenced by the following lawsuit and news article related to TWO back-to-back employment departures from TWO DIFFERENT school districts.
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