SAN JUAN COUNTY, WA. December 18, 2023 – San Juan County Auditor, Natasha Warmenhoven, is seeking people interested in writing arguments against the San Juan Island School District No. 149 and Orcas Island School District No. 137 ballot measures for the voters’ guide.
Legislation comes as Washington state is quickly becoming a global leader in the race for fusion energy
Senator Murray: “Our legislation will provide the regulatory certainty needed to speed fusion development and deployment, boosting the fusion sector in Washington state and ultimately bringing down energy costs for families.”
The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank is seeking public input on its recently completed Draft Strategic Plan. The purpose of the strategic plan is to guide the Land Bank in conservation efforts, stewardship priorities, and community engagement for the next six years and to assist the Land Bank in meeting its mandate: To preserve in perpetuity areas in the county that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic or low-intensity recreational value and to protect existing and future sources of potable water.
You can download a copy of the Draft Strategic Plan from the Land Bank’s website by following this link:
Public Comment Period: April 24 – May 8, 2024
The public is invited to submit comments:
- Via email to Tanja Williamson at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Via mail: 350 Court Street, No. 6, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Please submit your comments by May 8, 2024.
After the comment period closes, Land Bank staff and commissioners will review comments. An overview of comments will be provided at the May 17, 2024, commission meeting.
Questions? Email
Contact: Tanja Williamson, Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator,
About San Juan County’s Land Bank
San Juan County’s Land Bank, funded by a 1% real estate excise tax paid by purchasers of property at closing, acquires and preserves areas in the county that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic, or low-intensity recreational value. The department offices are located at 328 Caines Street, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. For more information about San Juan County’s Land Bank, visit
The county government starts out the new year with an informative meeting on January 4 at 9AM. They will be meeting with the Marine Advisory Committees; the MRC, the CAG, and the LIO.
They will discuss what they currently do and what they plan on doing with our taxes to improve the marine environment. Click here to see their agenda: Marine Resources Committee • San Juan County, WA - Agendas & Minutes • CivicClerk where Kari Koski, Lovel Pratt, Sam Whitridge, Adam Parrot, Beth Tate, Katie Johnson, Karin Roemers-Klevens will make their presentations to the county council.
The meeting included an in-depth discussion of local transportation alternatives, possible short-term solutions, and next steps for the 2025 legislative session.
On Saturday, August 24, representatives from San Juan County met with Governor Jay Inslee in Friday Harbor to share data, review ferry service challenges, and discuss possible next steps. The Governor initiated the productive, 30-minute meeting that included Council Chair Jane Fuller, Health & Community Services Transportation Voucher Program Coordinator Richard Uri, County Manager Jessica Hudson, and Ferry Advisory Committee Vice Chair Ken Burtness. Town Councilmember Richard Gefffen and staff from Inslee’s Office were also in attendance.
Dear Editor and Community,
We recently received in the mail Mr. Ron Whalen’s request to have us sign a petition to eliminate the Land Bank by December 2020. The request was loaded with falsehoods and outrageously attempted to dupe our community into thinking that a yes or no answer meant something other than to put the petition on the fall ballot. Please note that whether you mark yes or no on the petition, it qualifies as a vote to put the measure on the ballot.
By TJ Martinell / The Center Square
Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs' Office has, through agency rulemaking, officially removed a residency requirement for registering to vote enshrined in the state’s original 1889 Constitution.
The rulemaking occurred after both Hobbs and state Attorney General Bob Ferguson agreed to a consent decree earlier this year to settle a 2023 lawsuit arguing that the constitutional provision violated federal law due to a 2018 state law.
Brig. Gen. Gent Welsh has been appointed adjutant general of Washington, Gov. Jay Inslee announced today.
Welsh will command all Washington Army and Air National Guard forces and serve as the director of the Washington Military Department, which along with the Washington National Guard, includes the state’s Emergency Management Division and the Washington Youth Challenge Academy. The position also serves as homeland security advisor to the governor and as administrator for all Homeland Security grants awarded to Washington’s state, local, Tribal and non-profit entities.
$1,000,000.00 from tax payers. $1,000,000.00 handed out for a job never done.
Early in 2023 San Juan County contracted with an off-island construction company to fabricate a 100-foot-long fish passage on Orcas Island for one million dollars. Few of us know about the project.
Senator Murray Secures Confirmation of Rebecca Pennell as U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Washington—Filling Nearly All of WA’s Federal Bench with Biden-Harris Judges
With Pennell’s confirmation, Senator Murray has recommended and successfully secured the votes to confirm ten federal judges from Washington state to lifetime appointments under the Biden-Harris administration—including a Judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, seven District Court Judges in the Western District of Washington, and two in the Eastern District of Washington
San Juan County has been notified by the Office of the Secretary of State that a recount of votes in the race for Commissioner of Public Lands needs to be completed. The final election results of the 2024 Primary revealed that the difference in votes between the second and third candidates in the race for Commissioner of Public Lands was less than 0.0258%. This thin margin is prompting a recount across the state.
WAGOP Chairman and State Representative (LD 19) Jim Walsh issued the following statement after being gaveled by Democrat Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins on Friday evening, Jan. 24, 2025, during the final voice vote on the rules package, which includes harsh new restrictions on House Floor debates. The new restrictions aim to quash free speech and debate by the minority party.
On Tuesday June 25, the San Juan County Council is scheduled to deliberate on a decision to purchase approximately 16 acres along 1427 Neck Point Road to support Public Works operations on Shaw Island. This Council meeting follows a community meeting with Council Chair Jane Fuller that was announced on May 23, held on June 3, and recapped in a press release issued on June 7. Council and staff have received and incorporated feedback from this meeting into ongoing exploration of this potential purchase.
The January 10th issue of the Journal included an excellent letter of opinion submitted by Mark Fishaut, titled Moving forward with the Land Bank (LB). Mark noted the Town to Zylstra Lake Trail (TZLT) fiasco as reason for review of the entire LB operation. The January 24th issue of the Journal included three rebuttals. Jim Skoog wrote “the mysterious Zylstra Lake Trails fiasco has absolutely nothing to do with the Land Bank”. Cynthia Brast wrote “The mysterious Zylstra Lake Trail was NOT a Land Bank project” and “The Land Bank is completely transparent with their purchases and finances”. Amanda Azous wrote “The Conservation Land Bank did not promote or pursue the Zylstra Lake Trail project”
Now look at pages 3, and 24-27 of San Juan County Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas Plan 2023-2028;
Seven members of the LB Commission are listed on Page 3. LB Director Lincoln Bormann is listed as a member of the Planning Team.
Page 24 lists 5 trail projects with Lincoln Bormann as the Key Contact for 4 of them. The LB is listed as a funding source. The 2nd listed project prescribes “increase long-distance trails and trail connections on all islands via cooperative agreements with landowners, with a target of 10 miles. Does this sound a lot like the TZLT project? It does to me and it doesn’t square with the statements of Jim Skoog, Cynthia Brast, and Amanda Azous or their assertions of transparency. Lincon Bormann is the Key Contact for four more projects on pages 25-27. Maybe the LB didn’t initiate the effort for federal funds for the TZLT but to say the LB had nothing to do with it, was not a LB project, and did not promote or pursue the project is disingenuous at best. LB fingerprints are all over trail development. After island residents and County Council soundly reject the TZLT the LB attempts to distance themselves from being a part of the TZLT. That’s the opposite of transparency. It’s a smoke screen that all can see through. And…It’s gonna resonate this November!!
Ron Whalen
San Juan Island
By Cindy Carter
I was called last night by Rep. Rick Larson for a town hall. Doubtless, Rep. Larson will claim he held a town hall to hear constituents concerns. What he did was cut anyone off who started questioning anything not related to the US VA, even if it did relate to the Veteran's healthcare, such as military aid to Israel, and even if it was from a Veteran.
During the hour of calls, we heard from persons who were afraid their veteran would die before getting "rated" which comes prior to getting funding or healthcare. Another who complained they needed to get "rated" every time they had some issue, which took forever. So the veteran's healthcare was not that great apparently and Rep. Larson would not even discuss any other issue. Yet we can be sure he will be touting this as how he "listens" to people from the NW, even while he does not live here any longer. Why does this person keep getting elected to represent the people of the 2nd Congressional District? Who actually votes for this person? Definitely time for a change.
San Juan County Council appointed Dr. Herbie Duber as the County’s new acting Health Officer. Dr. Duber is the Washington State Department of Health Regional Medical Officer for Northwest Washington. In this role, he supports the development of healthcare policy and programs across the state and serves as a key liaison between local public health in Northwest WA and the Department of Health.
“Dr. Duber’s CV speaks for itself,” said Councilmember Cindy Wolf in reference to his extensive medical experience. “Having watched him at the Board of Health, I’m very comfortable appointing him.”
Responsible for maintaining the health and wellness of the community, the County’s Health Officer works with local organizations such as schools and medical centers, to ensure the health and safety of county residents. The Health Officer conducts outreach programs and provides counseling and education on various health topics.
Dr. Duber will serve as the acting Health Officer as the County recruits a permanent replacement.
“I feel we are very fortunate to have him in this interim position,” said Council Chair Jane Fuller before approving the motion to appoint Dr. Duber.
Dr. Frank James, the outgoing Health Officer, announced his resignation after 31 years of service at the March Board of Health meeting. Dr. James’s last day as Health Officer will be Apr. 20, 2024 and his years of service will be recognized at a future date.
Contact: Kyra Jahanfar, Program Coordinator – Emergency Preparedness & Communications,
About San Juan County’s Department of Health & Community Services
San Juan County’s Department of Health & Community Services is responsible for community and environmental health, mental health and substance abuse programs, senior services, affordable housing projects, and more. The department has staff and offices on Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan Islands. For more information about San Juan County’s Department of Health & Community Services, visit
With a tentative start date of July 15, Jessica Hudson will be responsible for serving as a staff liaison to Council, overseeing County department operations, managing the budget, and more.
San Juan County Council is pleased to announce the hiring of a new County Manager – Jessica Hudson. Hudson is currently the Director at Fairfax County Public Library in Fairfax, Virginia where she oversees a system of 23 public facilities, a budget of $35 million, and 550 staff. In this role, she has developed and administered strategic plans, initiated public service operation expansions, uplifted underrepresented communities through programs and services, and supported a capital renovation budget of more than $90 million.
San Juan County Receives $1.5Million from WA Governor to Support Local Transportation Infrastructure
San Juan County is thrilled to receive new funding from the Washington State Governor’s Office to address ferry service disruptions in the San Juan Islands. Today, Governor Jay Inslee met County and Town officials, essential service providers, business owners, and residents in Friday Harbor to award $1 million to the County to finance temporary marine transportation alternatives, and an additional $500,000 to support Interisland weekend service during the winter which would add a third set of crew to that service.
San Juan County is seeking volunteers to serve on various boards and committees that help shape daily life in the San Juan Islands. Are you interested in participating in local government and sharing your skills? See if one of the vacant positions is right for you!
The Sherif seems to think an RCW trumps Trump
8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office (SJCSO) continues to prioritize public safety, fairness, and trust within the community while upholding state law, county code, and ensuring that every member of the community feels secure. In line with RCW 10.93.160, which governs the interaction between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities, SJCSO reaffirms its commitment to protecting all residents, regardless of immigration status.
Editor's Note - County Council aproves more government bloat while still insisting on four day work week.
The San Juan County Council has approved a series of steps in an effort to improve services from the Department of Community Development (DCD). The County will begin contracting out services in the land use division, and hire an additional code enforcement officer, planning manager, and land use permit technician.
Thanks Interim Team for Transitional Support
While the organization searched for a new County Manager, the County was supported by an interim leadership team of dedicated staff.
San Juan County is pleased to welcome a new County Manager and thanks the invaluable support of the interim leadership team. Within one month of starting, County Manager Jessica Hudson is already diving into key County projects including the comprehensive plan update, budget amendments, and capital projects.
“In these first few weeks with the County I’ve been introduced to this amazing community full of passionate, smart, and dedicated staff and community members,” said Hudson. “I’m delighted to be here and look forward to supporting and uplifting priority work and projects.”
In total, the job posting yielded 39 applications from around the country.
San Juan County is moving forward in its interview process for a new County Manager which will culminate with a community meeting in each district on May 6 and 7. The job posting yielded 39 applicants from around the country that have been screened and vetted via a variety of steps including resume reviews, video interviews, and written responses.
The County’s core hiring committee which consists of the Human Resources Director, Interim County Manager, and the Council have been working with the recruitment firm Strategic Government Resources (SGR) to narrow the applicant pool. During the April 16 Council meeting, Council selected the finalists who are invited to participate in the final interview phase.
The selected finalists are invited to in-person interviews as well as a community meeting in each of the three districts on Monday and Tuesday May 6 and 7. During these community meetings, the public will have the opportunity to meet and learn about the candidates via a moderated Q&A. The exact times and locations of community meetings are still being finalized and the public will be notified of further details as soon as possible.
The final round of interviews will be conducted by panels comprised of Council members and other elected officials, County staff, and board members from various County committees. The County Council is the ultimate hiring body for the County Manager position.
Currently, San Juan County’s Health & Community Services Director, Mark Tompkins, is serving as the Interim County Manager and the County’s Parks and Fair Director, Brandon Andrews, is serving as the Interim Assistant County Manager.
During the week of November 4, Washington State courts are experiencing a system-wide outage that prevents access to the State case management system and court documents. San Juan County Superior Court and District Court are impacted by this outage.
The state agency that provides superior courts with a case management system, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), has reported an unauthorized system event that has forced them to remove access to critical systems. AOC also maintains the statewide Judicial Information System, which contains important case information for district courts. This affects all counties statewide, including San Juan County, resulting in a temporary loss of access to these AOC-provided systems. AOC is actively working to restore service, but the disruption is anticipated to continue through the week or longer. Due to this event, the Washington Courts website is also down – a site the public uses to access court forms and other court-related resources.
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